
Prep For the Big Day

Just got back to town from our two-month travel this week, so (it's a blur now), I raced around all week getting everything ready. Went beach-combing with Cathy to find some small rocks for Stone Sling Bocce (spray-painted red and yellow), and some bigger ones for the trophies (painted gold, silver and bronze). Derek used his truck to get a load of sand for me and helped me and some friends haul it into the gym for the Grundens Clam Dig. I was up early on the big day, bouncing off the walls and cooking 15 huge bags of egg noodles for the Berry Stomp.

Never underestimate the competence of a silly middle school girl. I had hoped to get mostly high schoolers helping with events (games were for K-6 graders), but the night before the big day, not a single older kid showed up. Instead, about ten 7th and 8th grade girls came to help. They blew up over 200 balloons (and tied ribbons to all of them), helped me set up the games around the gym, and each memorized the event they wanted to help run. The next morning, they were the first to show up, went directly to their events, and then taught the high schoolers (who showed up minutes before we started) how to play the games they were supposed to be running. Their ability to stay excited about what they were doing all day long was impressive, and it could not have been done without them.

Flyers announcing the big day were hung on every business window in town.

View of the gym all set up and waiting to be filled with kids


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