
Aleutian Olympics

Aleutian Olympics Awards Ceremony

Door prizes included donated items from local businesses, which (until the day before the games) was only two single shatter packs of cod from Trident (which I was fully aware would get quite an "oh boy!" reaction from the kids--though it is a pretty spendy prize). Thankfully, at the last minute, Cut 'R Loose Coffee Shop donated six single scoops of ice cream. I made up the certificates for prizes, adding on the ice cream one "but only if you walk there," since this is supposed to be all about health. Tribe chiefs carried around score cards and received points for every event completed, and the
top three tribes were

awarded gold, silver, and bronze trophies (spray-painted rocks) and an Alaska state flag, all to the tune of the Olympic Theme.

Sand Point's finest (Mike and Chief) brought their grill and barbecued chicken for lunch. The school cook, Juanita, rounded out the meal, and Mary Mobeck made a cake.

The Health Fair Aspect

As you can imagine, kids couldn't get enough of the health fair boards set up around the room (Jim stayed late with me the night before getting them all set up and organized). They really did look great, and all the adults were probably interested, but kids just stuffed their pockets with the pens and trinkets, then ran back over to play--just the way it should be.

Grundens Clam Dig

Aleutia let us borrow one of their ice bins (used on fishing boats) to fill with sand and clams (from Mary's yard) for the clam dig. Kids were supposed to wear the Grundens (fishing bibs), but for most, they were just too big for them to function while wearing.

Pass The Cod

Russian Arm Wrestling

Getting Dressed For A Blizzard Relay

Three-Legged Seal Hop

Tug Of War

Purse Seine Toss


Driftwood Dizzy Derby

Relay style, run to driftwood, spin around it five times, and run back.

Iceberg Jump

A hungry walrus is stalking all of the little seals, who have to hop onto the icebergs (newspaper) to be safe from him.

Stone Sling Bocce

King Crab Sideways Race

Buoy Stomp

Same as the traditional balloon stomp, but the balloons are buoys, with a taped 6ft. square boundary taped to the floor.