

The day of games started out with a few mixers (solicited suggestion #37 from my Dad, who, luckily [and oddly, you might think] has more than a little experience with this kind of thing). Each tribe had to come up with a chant (which was judged by the loud-o-meter), then there was back-to-back "last man standing" Paper, Rock, Scissors, then this: Toss the Junk Food (a modified version of "Toss the Fatback," which is played in Windy Gap's Mountain Games. We taped together a pile of junk food, including sugary cereals, chips, pork rinds, onion rings, marshmallows, cokes, and circus peanuts, and then the tribe (circled around a tarp) had five tries to bounce the junk food as high as possible and still catch it. There were pork rinds everywhere when it was over. 


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